The Global Black Alliance (GBA) has reportedly issued a statement praising the arrest of American Racial Terrorists Jean and Scott Adam who, reportedly, have been sailing around the world since 2004 attempting to proselytize non Christians, teaching Christianity as a religion and threatening non believers with eternal damnation.
Western society is a bloody, murderous, unjust, avaricious, duplicitous, hypocritical, blasphe- mous atrocity founded in genocide & tyranny. To respect & uphold it is to respect & uphold evil, greed & sin.”
- ShittyCop Contributer, ThrowupBrat
The couple, who are notable members of the prestigious Marina del Rey Yacht Club in California — run a Western Bible ministry and have been allegedly using it as a tool to spread Western propaganda in schools and churches in remote villages in areas including the Fiji Islands, Alaska, New Zealand, Central America, and French Polynesia.
"We recognize whites on these missions as dangerous racial terrorists who seek to spread Western misinformation about religion, race and government with the purpose of continuing their kind's reign of global oppression and treachery against the planet's people of color," a GBA spokesman is reported as saying. "We praise the brave Somali officers who risked their lives to arrest them."
The couple's US-flagged yacht was equipped with satellite Internet access and an Iridium phone.
While reportedly there is an enormous public outcry from people of color in countries across the globe for the couple to be beheaded and for the GBA to publicly approve the action, the global organization has declined to state whether they approve of the proposed public execution for the racial terrorists.
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